Monday, February 21, 2011

A day in the life of the Roberts!

Wow, that's alot of work!
Today we got up early, alot to's our week to carpool and the car breaks down. Panic and disarray start to set in! Kerri and Mike need to go to the Orphanage, their car isn't really working right, but it's being used to run and get parts. Kensley and I needed to leave at 8:00 to get downtown to get my License, Greg and Chris needed to go run errands! Whew, my day begins!!!!!
Kerri and Mike finally get to leave late, Kensley and I had to rent a driver to take us downtown, while Greg and Chris take Rhonda and Darren to the Clinic for a meeting. Greg's meeting lasted longer than he thought, leaving Rhonda and Darren to sit in the truck for a while, bored to death, I'm sure! Kensley and I get downtown about 12:00, and after 3 attempts finally get my picture taken for my license! Guess what, I even got to get the first ever smiling picture on a Haitian license!!!
After we left there, on our way to Pettionville, we had a flat and I had to stand on the side of the road while they changed the tire. As if that's not enough, we go to pick up my phone from the shop and the guy locks his keys in the car!!!! Lol, you just have to laugh, this is what happens in Haiti! After about 30 mins or so, they are finally able to get the door open and we head toward the house! After all that drama, I didn't even get to the tent camp.
Well, this is what a typical day in Haiti looks like for us!!! Whether it happens in this order or not, this is what happens by the end of the day!! If this sounds like an adventure you would like to go on, just email me and I'll get you all the details on how to join us!!!
Can't wait to see you!!! If you have any other questions, you can ask any one that has been here before and they'll tell you this is exactly the truth and I'm sticking to it!!!
See you soon!